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> 产品中心 > 抑制剂 & 激动剂 > GPCR/G Protein > Histamine Receptor

Cetirizine D8 dihydrochloride

Cat. No.:YN321114

  • CAS No. :2070015-04-0

    • 产品资料
    • 生物活性
    • 参考文献
    • 产品名称: Cetirizine D8 dihydrochloride
      CAS No.: 2070015-04-0
      Chemical Name: 2-[2-[4-[(4-chlorophenyl)phenylmethyl]-1-piperazinyl-d8]ethoxy]-acetic acid, dihydrochloride
      Synonyms:盐酸西替利嗪 D8
      存储:Please store the product under the recommended conditions in theCertificate of Analysis.
      运输:Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
      Select Batch:
      Purity: 98%
    • 产品描述: Cetirizine D8 dihydrochloride 是Cetirizine 的氘代物。Cetirizine 是羟嗪的羧化代谢物,是第二代抗组胺药。Cetirizine是一种特异的、口服有效的、H1 受体的长效拮抗剂。Cetirizine 标记抗过敏特性,抑制过敏反应期间嗜酸性粒细胞趋化。
      In Vitro:
      In Vivo:
      Clinical Trial:
      Solvent & Solubility:
    • Thurmond, R.L., Gelfand, E.W., and Dunford, P.J.The role of histamine H1 and H4 receptors in allergic inflammation: The search for new antihistaminesNat. Rev. Drug Discov.7(1),41-53(2008)

      Zhang, L., Cheng, L., and Hong, J.The clinical use of cetirizine in the treatment of allergic rhinitisPharmacology92(1-2),14-25(2013)

      Tillement, J.P.The advantages for an H1 antihistamine of a low volume of distributionAllergy55(suppl 60),17-21(2000)

      Köller, M., Hilger, R.A., Rihoux, J.P., et al.Cetirizine exerts anti-inflammatory effects on human neutrophilsInt. Arch. Allergy. Immunol.110(1),52-56(1996)

      Llupià, J., Gras, J., and Llenas, J.Comparative antiallergic effects of second-generation H1-antihistamines ebastine, cetirizine and loratadine in preclinical modelsArzneimittelforschung53(2),93-97(2003)

    • 摩尔计算器
    • 稀释计算器
    摩尔浓度计算器方程 :
    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)


    质量 浓度 体积 分子量
    稀释计算器 :
    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)
    • C1
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