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LM11A-31 dihydrochloride

Cat. No.:YN480433

  • CAS No. :1243259-19-9

    • 规格



    • 产品资料
    • 生物活性
    • 参考文献
    • 产品名称: LM11A-31 dihydrochloride
      CAS No.: 1243259-19-9
      Chemical Name: (2S,3S)-2-amino-3-methyl-N-[2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl]-pentanamide, dihydrochloride
      Synonyms:LM11A-31 BHS
      存储:Please store the product under the recommended conditions in theCertificate of Analysis.
      运输:Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
      Select Batch:
      Purity: 98%
    • 产品描述: LM11A-31 dihydrochloride 是一种p75NTR(神经营养蛋白受体 p75) 非肽调节剂,是口服有效的proNGF拮抗剂。LM11A-31 dihydrochloride 是一种具有高血脑屏障通透性的氨基酸衍生物,能阻断 p75 介导的细胞死亡。LM11A-31 dihydrochloride 可以逆转中晚期的阿尔茨海默氏病小鼠模型中的胆碱能神经突营养不良。
      In Vitro:
      In Vivo:
      Clinical Trial:
      Solvent & Solubility:
    • Massa, S.M., Xie, Y., Yang, T., et al.Small, nonpeptide p75NTR ligands induce survival signaling and inhibit proNGF-induced deathJ. Neurosci.26(20),5288-5300(2006)

      Tep, C., Lim, T.H., Ko, P.O., et al.Oral administration of a small molecule targeted to block proNGF binding to p75 promotes myelin sparing and functional recovery after spinal cord injuryJ. Neurosci.33(2),397-410(2013)

      Simmons, D.A., Knowles, J.K., Belichenko, N.P., et al.A small molecule p75NTR ligand, LM11A-31, reverses cholinergic neurite dystrophy in Alzheimer's disease mouse models with mid- to late-stage disease progressionPLoS One9(8),e102136(2014)

      Darcq, E., Morisot, N., Phamluong, K., et al.The neurotrophic factor receptor p75 in the rat dorsolateral striatum drives excessive alcohol drinkingJ. Neurosci.36(39),10116-10127(2016)

      Simmons, D.A., Belichenko, N.P., Ford, E.C., et al.A small molecule p75NTR ligand normalizes signalling and reduces Huntington's disease phenotypes in R6/2 and BACHD miceHum. Mol. Genet.25(22),4920-4938(2016)

    • 摩尔计算器
    • 稀释计算器
    摩尔浓度计算器方程 :
    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)


    质量 浓度 体积 分子量
    稀释计算器 :
    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)
    • C1
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